• 5 bottles of Pocari Sweat Ion Water in front of the promotion foamboard, all placed on the coffee table on L1
  • 5 bottles of Oronamin C in front of the promotion foamboard, all placed on the coffee table on L1


WorkCaver現在可以來到L1免費拿取Pocari Sweat Ion Water + 奧樂蜜C各一支~🧃Ion Water可補充身體水分和電解質,而🥤奧樂蜜C內含維他命B、C與蜂蜜,有助增強免疫力及紓緩精神疲勞,喝完回復精神,工作自然事半功倍啦😎

*每位Workcaver每次均需領取Pocari Sweat Ion Water + 奧樂蜜C各一支。數量有限,先到先得,派完即止。