• Chiropractor Dr. Crystal Lam leading Workcavers to do stretching exercise in the Chiropractic Workshop
  • Group photo taken with chiropractor Dr. Crystal Lam in the chiropractic workshop
  • Chiropractor Dr. Crystal Lam presenting what causes spinal pains in the chiropractic workshop
  • Chiropractor Dr. Crystal Lam introducing symptoms of back pain through Powerpoint in the Chiropractic Workshop
  • Sandwiches, ion water and vitamin C health drinks are prepared for the Workcavers who attended the chiropractic workshop

小編當天也跟大家吃完🥪light lunch後齊齊舒展筋骨,參加工作坊對自己的身體狀況有更深了解,真是獲益良多~當然也謝謝各位workcavers的支持🙌🏻