Our Workcaver Shirley has just reached one of her great milestones – establishing her own floristry brand “Forever Floristry”! And to celebrate this, we will team up with her for a floral art workshop on 20 July. Come join us where you are not only able to learn flower care steps and tips, but also to make your own decorative flower baskets for your office or room!
WorkCave x Forever Floristry Floral Art Workshop
Date: 20 July 2023 (Thu)
Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Venue: L3 Hot Desk Area, WorkCave
Fee: Follow WorkCave Facebook / Instagram and Forever Floristry Instagram to get free admission
Workcavers are welcome to bring along your family or friends.
As seats are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis, simply contact us or sign up through the link from our poster / e-newsletter!